How To Streamline Your Spring Cleaning

14 April, 2021

Spring is a joyous time after such a harsh winter. Finally, we can shed layers of clothes, snow, and potentially, dust? Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a momentous undertaking and you don’t have to wait any longer. The key to making your cleaning routine easier is starting now. There are several ways to jump-start this chore; make your yearly job less stressful. 


Go through your closet now, start to find pieces that no longer fit or need repair. If you have any clothing that is just a little bit *off*, consider taking it to a local tailor as opposed to getting rid of it right away. Tailoring clothes is actually very cost-effective when it comes to the average household budget. 

Donating clothing can also be a less wasteful way to pare down your wardrobe. Did you know that you can get tax deductions for your clothing donations? From bras to shoes, these donations can add up in the long run! Before you donate, check with your state COVID protocols, you may have to do some research into when and where you can donate. The average American throws away over 80 lbs. of clothing, every year! That can easily be a few hundred dollars of deductions for a family household.


One of the highest traffic areas in every home, bathrooms need serious attention. Do you have any repairs that need to be done? Think leaky faucet, chipped tile, or incorrect water temperature. Start tackling those now, hire a seasoned professional or DIY if you're feeling confident.

Grout. Deep cleaning or freshening grout can be a great way to give your bathroom new life. There are amazing (and fun!) tools that attach to any power drill. You can also use a grout bleach pen to carefully go over and brighten and whiten your grout.

Along with grout, check with the caulk around the edges of your bath and shower. It can easily discolor after a few years; this is an easy and cheap fix. Start by removing the original caulk scrape and make sure there is no residue. Clean and let dry. When replacing the caulk go slow and make sure the seal is tight. Let cure for 24 to 48 hours.

Energy Bills

Spring cleaning does not always have to be physical, it can also refer to taking stock of what isn't working in your household budget. A variable-rate can help you save money through the warmer months. Because traditional flat rates have no wiggle room, you’ll be paying the same amount of money in the winter as you will in the spring. Check out the rates that Kratos Gas and Power offers Ohio citizens today!

Spring cleaning might not be everyone's favorite job. But it's a necessary one. Ease your load by starting now, starting small, and working hard. Keep checking back to the Kratos Gas and Power blog for tips on saving money and beyond!